Streamlined Batching: Your Concrete Supplier of Choice
At Maschmeyer Concrete, one of the leading concrete companies in Florida, we ensure that every cubic yard of concrete is batched to within one percent tolerance of the actual mix design. This meticulous process guarantees precision in the composition of the concrete.
Our computer systems rigorously enforce this standard, refusing to load a batch of concrete if it deviates from the specified tolerance. allowing discharging of the ingredients. The theoretical and actual batch weights of every load of concrete are stored in the computer for later reference.
Our computer systems rigorously enforce this standard, refusing to load a batch of concrete if it deviates from the specified tolerance. allowing discharging of the ingredients. The theoretical and actual batch weights of every load of concrete are stored in the computer for later reference.
From these numbers, we can control inventory by tracking all incoming deliveries and outgoing material used, as your chosen ready mix concrete supplier. We always know what material we have on hand.

Looking for Admixtures? Discover What Maschmeyer Concrete Offers in Florida!

Utilizing microwave technology, your local Maschmeyer Concrete plant ensures precise control over aggregates’ moisture levels.
This automated process guarantees optimal yields and slump control, delivering consistently high-quality concrete for your projects.
This automated process guarantees optimal yields and slump control, delivering consistently high-quality concrete for your projects.
Fiber Additives offered by Maschmeyer Concrete for Stronger Florida Structures!
We have our own certified materials and concrete laboratory. Our Florida concrete team of technicians sample concrete specimens and aggregate materials on a daily basis.
They perform field testing as well as sample testing to help customers that have specific concrete mix designs or special needs such as decorative, low or high strength or special placement.
They perform field testing as well as sample testing to help customers that have specific concrete mix designs or special needs such as decorative, low or high strength or special placement.