Maschmeyer is often recognized for its outstanding operational excellence, environmental stewardship and customer service, as evidenced by the following awards and recognitions:

- 2020 Recipient for the NRMCA Concrete Cares Award
- NRMCA Excellence in Quality Award for 2017 and 2018
- NRMCA Excellence in Safety Award
- NRMCA Environmental Excellence Award, Runner-Up
- FC&PA Safety & Skills Competition, Overall Event Champions for consecutive competitions
- NRMCA Environmental Excellence Award, 1st Place
- NRMCA Comeback Kid Award, 1st Place NRMCA Recognition as a Silver Premier Producer
- Palm Beach Safety Council, Excellence for Worker & Vehicle Safety
- Palm Beach Safety Council, Award of Excellence for Worker Safety
- Palm Beach Safety Council Award of Excellence for Vehicle Safety
- FTBA – Florida Transportation Builders Association, Award of Superior Achievement for Outstanding Safety Record