Steve Bishop
President/ COO
Steve Bishop grew up coming to work on Saturdays at Maschmeyer with his father, Jeff Bishop. By his teenage years, he was spending the summers working on trucks, bending rebar, pumping concrete, and running the concrete plants. Steve earned a B.S. in Concrete Industry Management from Middle Tennessee State University. While at MTSU, Steve worked for Irving Materials, Inc. as a driver and assistant manager. After receiving his undergraduate degree, Steve rejoined Maschmeyer as a Sales Professional in Palm Beach County. When Maschmeyer expanded into central Florida, Steve moved to Orlando to lead the sales team. A few years later, Steve was promoted to General Manager. In 2015, Steve earned an MBA from the Crummer School of Business at Rollins College and was promoted to Vice President. At that time, Steve joined the Advisory Board of Maschmeyer Concrete. In July of 2021, Steve was named President. Steve has served on the Board of Florida Independent Concrete & Associated Products, Inc. (FICAP) since 2006 and served as its President from 2013 to 2015. He also serves on the Board of the Florida Masonry Apprentice Association & Education Foundation (FMAEF) and served on the Board of the Masonry Association of Florida (MAF) from 2008 to 2018. Steve is currently on the Executive Committee of Florida Concrete & Products Association (FC&PA) and served as the Legislative Chairman on their board from 2016 through 2018.